Alignment to Awakening

Greetings from Costa Rica! I am finding the alignment of psychedelics and Science of Mind very profound, as the plant medicine very much awakens the understanding of how our body exists in consciousness. At essence, we exist on this Earth plane as vibrational energy, transcending matter and form. Our body allows our consciousness to move about and function. Evidence of this mind-body relationship occurs when the body no longer can sustain the consciousness, and then it (most refer to as soul) leaves to function on another vibrational dimension available to our vision, but not to our sight.

After two profound ceremonies here with Ayahausca and Kambo, I deeply grasp the concept of our mind projecting thoughts resulting in effectual manifestation. This message echoes all I’ve learned in Science of Mind teachings and the Course of Miracles. A change in perception (the core of psychedelic work) leading to a new way of seeing and relating to the world leads to living that leads to healing. Peace of mind is the result stemming from an inner landscape formed by higher energy thoughts generated by love.

Understanding that consciousness is not in the body, but the body is in consciousness, creates a new way of thinking. Separateness and duality that has infiltrated religious teaching distorts the truth that each one of is an extension of a Divine-consciousness. We have within us a Holy Guide, often referred to as the Holy Spirit, that Internal Teacher desiring to guide us to emanate love and compassion, the higher vibrational energy from which we come.

When stillness intercedes our reaction to the pain and suffering of the world, the Holy Guide directs and compels us along a positive path. All suggestion that usually leads me off course fades. And then I grasp the thought: “I live in the Spirit of Truth and am conscious that the Spirit of Truth lives in me. Let every thought of doubt vanish from my mind that I may know the Truth and the Truth may make me free.”

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