Explaining the Trinity, Science of Mind magazine June 2023

Rev (Dr.) Cynthia Ramirez Lindenmeyer

After three years of monthly Zoom interaction, our Christian women’s Bible study finally gathered for hugs and discussion at Joanna’s retirement high-rise. The ladies were curious about how New Thought teaching explained the Trinity. Thinking I could correlate within a Christian theological paradigm, I opened the teaching saying,

             “Science of Mind views a Threefold Nature of God. God is Spirit, Law, and Form.”  As I unpacked that statement, the confused expressions on their faces communicated the depth of the proverbial hole I was digging, so I resorted to crayons and paper to illustrate. I drew Ernest’s classic seed, soil, and plant metaphor.

             Alice, a lifelong Presbyterian, seemed excited.

“I get it—Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit are the three in one. I’ve never understood that. I always thought they were three separate entities, but they are all gardeners, and our lives experience the journey of the seed!”

 I felt like Spock, computing Science of Mind algorithms to verify this perspective. The others looked at me in hopeful anticipation as if Alice’s answer could possibly lead to clarification. I needed more time to think, so I employed the ultimate stalling phrase:

             “Say more.”

             Alice continued, “The Trinity is a unified process for everyone. We are also gardeners. We choose our own seeds, but the process which I understand as Trinity turns them into plants.”

             Julie, a devout Methodist, cried out. “But that would mean we are God?”

             Ug. I was trying to avoid this heretical concept, for I knew it was the most challenging New Thought principle for Christians to grasp. I had to choose my next words carefully, but then a voice came from the corner of the room.

             “We are not God; we are evolutions of God.”

Our heads turned towards ninety-seven-year-old Joanna. The group was quiet, deep in thought. I wanted to speak, but thankfully Zoom’s mute button trained me realize the prosperity of silence. And in that moment, I was reminded how creative Spirit is, expressing through the one whose self-consciousness was nearing a century on this Earth plane.

Explaining the Trinity, cynthia, SoM Magazine, June 2023 portrait
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