Rev (Dr.) Cynthia Ramirez Lindenmeyer
Omaha-World Herald
"By ruling our minds with intention and grace, we align with the deeper reality of love and creativity."

As a passionate Husker fan, I’ve experienced firsthand how I tend to attach my emotions to external outcomes. When a team loses, negativity and blame often surface. But victory leads to praise, accolades and joy. These emotional swings reveal how much we as humans react to external successes or failures. However, the real challenge lies within us. Our mind is our kingdom—what kind of ruler are you?
During political seasons, we cast votes for leaders, hoping they will govern wisely. But the real work happens internally. We must govern our own thoughts, emotions, and reactions. Left unchecked, our thoughts can wander aimlessly, leading us into a deep rabbit hole that detracts from attaining peace of mind. But when we remember that we have the power to govern our inner world, we become the rulers of our own minds and take responsibility for our mental being. Embracing a loving and peaceful state of mind, regardless of the outcome of a score or the election of a desired candidate, requires both practice and mental discipline.
Each morning, I wake up knowing the day will be filled with challenges and distractions, and I aim to perceive daily events as opportunities that help me grow spiritually. Hardships resulting from relationships teach me the powerful act of forgiveness. Vocational struggles help refine what my life passion is. And reactions to sport outcomes serve as a mirror that reflects the state of my inner sacred kingdom. To me, spirituality is an awareness of a reality deeper than dropping off the kids at school, running errands, or deleting endless robotexts; spirituality is where the mind, consciousness, and subconscious align with a creative and loving force that is tough to really define.
The law of cause and effect teaches us that our thoughts shape our reality. What we focus on becomes the path for our life journey. This is why mental discipline is crucial—it’s the foundation of spirituality. By deliberately focusing our thoughts and actions with intention, we can experience a life rooted in peace, undisturbed by external events.
So, what kind of ruler are you over your mind? Do you guide your thoughts with wisdom and purpose, or do you allow them to drift into confusion? How much do you let external events influence your internal peace? This is the spiritual challenge we face daily: to rule our minds with grace, discipline, and the understanding that another reality exists if we choose to change our perspective. By ruling our minds with intention and grace, we align with the deeper reality of love and creativity.